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Hercules at the Crossroads. 18th century. Oil

Hercules was a strong man in classical mythology whom the gods greatly honoured. After the end of his earthly life, they allowed him to join them on Mt. Olympus. Hercules achieved immortality due to his astonishing strength.
The Greek philosopher Prodicus tells the story of Hercules, who, having arrived at a crossroads, was forced to choose between the path of pleasure and virtue. In the painting, Hercules is being persuaded by two goddesses: Minerva, the embodiment of wisdom, is pointing him toward virtue, which leads to bliss, and Venus is tempting the hero with a rose toward the path of pleasure. The hero chooses the first path, which finally leads him to the gods.

The original painting was created by Pompeo Batoni (1708–1787), an Italian artist who worked in Rome and painted portraits and historical and mythological-themed paintings.